

Parental supervision taken to the next level Dec 9

Dear German automakers… Nov 16

Elektrotransporter der Post wird zum Renner Aug 8

Shot on iPhone July 3

Ford’s first all-electric vehicle will have ‘over 300 miles of range’, be affordable, and mass-produced, says CTO May 18

Donald Trump: Kopflos im Weißen Haus – Kommentar May 16

Why is there so much violence Apr 4

Tolerance is not a moral precept Jan 30

The current outrage about the US immigration restrictions are important, but Jan 30




The Internet of Shitty Things Nov 20

Fake News Nov 20

Dear Mr. Hollande July 17 June 24

Apple Maps continues to improve… Apr 7

Dafür steht die AfD? Feb 19

Native Advertising – Just More Online Corruption Feb 14




Cross-device tracking via imperceptible audio beacons threatens user privacy Nov 19

If you’re a Windows phone user, here’s some depressing news… Sept 19

The ethics of modern web ad-blocking Aug 08

What’s New in Windows 10  July 15

The Rough Road to Apple MUSIC  July 07

You got to read what you want to read…  May 19

The Debacle of Google Glass  May 14

Cisco Systems Names Chuck Robbins as Its New CEO  May 04

The Watch is Coming  April 28

Google patents the craziest wearable yet: keeps you clear of friends if you smell …  February 12




Salamanca Impressionen  October 29

Bigger than bigger  October 11, 2014

First impressions with Microsoft Windows 10 Technical Preview  October 2

Google Maps now showing ads directly in search results on both desktop & mobile  July 24

It’s Time to Split Up Microsoft  Juli 21

Giving Up on the iPad  April 25

The Ultimate Guide to Solving iOS Battery Drain  April 6

Who owns Crimea?  March 18

Designing Unread for iPad  February 27

Google’s bullshit “open” rhetoric for Android  February 14

What the Heck is Happening to Windows?  February 10

Der Wolf im Schafspelz  January 24

Offener Brief an die Verantwortlichen des Projekts “Asylanten-Wohnheim Steinegg”  January 6




Der Postillon: NSA warnt vor gigantischem Sprengstoffanschlag in Deutschland  December 31

Bürgerversammlung Asylantenheim in Steinegg  December 29

Asylanten-Wohnheim Steinegg  December 26

The art of innovating  October 28

iLauncher for Android  October 3

NSA – Why transparency isn’t enough  October 1

iPhone 5 wallpapers  September 22

The new iPhone 5c and 5s in reviews  September 18

What is it about the iPhone 5s or iPhone 5c?  September 12

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to retire within 12 months  August 23

Is Facebook a video sharing site?  August 19

Quo vadis Apple?  August 18

The end of advertising?  August 9

Microsoft’s uncool quest for cool  February 18



Older articles

Windows 8 – Disappointing Usability for Both Novice and Power Users  November 19

iPhone 4S a “disappointment”?  October 7

Hello World!  September 16